Session 6

 Session 6 continues building techniques learned in Session 5, and for the next three weeks we will have the focus on liquid and food swallows. We will use the cracker swallow technique with a wider variety of foods during meals and snacks.

We will be working on engaging the intrinsic muscles of the tongue with these cracker swallow techniques (chewing, bolus preparation, tongue on spot, open the lips, bite the back teeth and SWALLOW only using the tongue, as an undulating wave to transport material front to back). 

If bolus preparation is still deficient, slow down the steps. The outside tongue muscles muscles should curl and create a bowl  but this can be difficult with current or previous tongue restriction. As with other sheets, work on bolus preparation in front of a mirror and practice sitting tall and engaging proper head and neck posture that allows gravity to work for you and not against you (with a forward head posture). 

No more rubber band for swallows!! Yay!

Session 6 Sheet

Session 6 videos on YouTube.